
Monday 22 December 2014

Personality Plus

Everyone wants a better personality but everyone is different even twins. There is no two alike because everyone is unique.

One afternoon during work when there is no customers my boss hand me a book and told me to read. It was from the book i learn so much about people so much on how to accept people and not get angry easily.

Here are 4 main personalities:

1. popular sanguine personality
 the extroverts. the talker. the optimist
- they are friendly and enthusiastic when it comes to people
- you always find them talking and making people laugh
- they like variety and flexibility
- they always laugh and tell things that people count it as embrasement to others
- their emotions are controlled by their circumstances. Their emotions go up and down according to
  what is happening around them.

2. perfect melancholy personality
 the introvert. the thinker. the pessimist
- they are always negative
- they are always deep in thoughts
- they are very sensitives and get hurt easily
- they normally like it quiet
- neatness is a necessity for them

3. powerful choleric personality
 the extrovert. the doer. the optimist
- the born leader
- they can be hurtful sometimes in their words but they don't mean to hurt
- never try to get in a quarrel with them cause you will regret haha
- they are always right in what they do
- realize they are not compassionate they don't go by pity feelings
- exudes confidence

4. peaceful phlegmatic personality
 the introvert. the watcher. the pessimist
- always put other people problems first before theirs
- a peacemaker
- never expect enthusiasm from them
- always calm and cool in making decisions
- patient
- keeps their own emotions hidden

so which one do you think best describe you? all of the 4 have their own positive and negative side. during this Christmas i also learn that is not about just receiving and making yourself happy but to share the joy and happiness to everyone around you. learn to accept who you are never pretend to be someone else and also accept others because not everyone have the same personality as us. if that is so the world will be so boring.

Lastly merry Christmas everyone !!!