
Wednesday 30 December 2015


Hey internet :)
Still one more day to go and we will be ushering 2016. Some will be excited some nervous some scare and some still want to remain in 2015. Well, personally for me i am full of excitement at the same time feeling fearful not knowing what the future really holds. For me 2015 had taught me so much in life. And i think through these learnings i had become a tougher person mentally and emotionally and also a more mature person i guess.

My biggest stress for 2015 is spm and for other form5 students. Looking back at my form4 i regretted so so much. My results was so ugly and all i did was having fun during my form 4 life. If only i studied harder and pay more attention to my studies i won't be suffering during form5. I really struggled no joke man but thank God everything is over like finally over!! No more add maths no more physics no more sejarah no more spm. Those times spent burying in books is finally over. Those sleepless night spent on studying is finally over. Of cuase i did not manage to pull through all this stresses if is not for the support of my family and friends and God's strength to carry me through.

Throughout the year of 2015 was filled with laughter, tears, joy, sadness, anger, fear and so on. Manage to meet a few new people in this year. Some people i got closer too while some left. The month of December played a rather important role all in all. That's because many event took place in that month. Good things :D

Prom. 19dec2015
I am very grateful and blessed to work with the prom committee. The truth is i was so tempted to pull out last minute. Reason was last minute i got a news to join a 10 days camp which was held in Thailand. I was overjoyed but it did not last long because it collided with the prom. At that moment i had to make the decision to go or not to go. I was torn but then when i look at how the Committee was suffering and trying all ways to make the Yule ball a blast i made up my mind to not be double minded and i was grateful that i make the right choice no regrets. It was one of the most best moments in 2015 i got to say. We even stayed over at the hotel.

Photos speak louder than words :) here is some of the photos taken.

There were many more photos but for some reason it had an error uploading

Outing with the squad :)))
The word squad i just learn this year yes from the squad. Basically malaysian way of saying would be gang. I couldn't thank them more than anything for stepping into my life. I cannot imaging high school life without them. Most of the beautiful memories were created with them. Personal note to u guys Shyne ni, Juniper, Karen, Carmen: thank you so much i don't know how to express my thankfulness. I guess this is the best i can do. Without you guys my life would not be complete chessy but true haha. Don't forget me when we go our separate ways in college. 

Part-time job
My older sister told me this at one time and i can never forget those words.
“ try anything and everything in life which does not bring you harm.” 
I get this question a lot about how i got the job. It all started out of boredom so i read the edge newspaper. And i came across a page about this yellow brick road cafe and so out of curiosity i message them asking if they needed any part timer without hoping they will answer. I just did that for fun because it does not hurt trying haha. To my suprise they answered and told me to come for the interview and so here i am waiting to start work at 2 of January 2016. To be honest i am very nervous and afraid. Is a completely new environment new people new place. I don't have the confident that i can to it. Every day the cafe is pack with people. I went there to pay a visit and to my suprise i was waiting in line just to have a seat. 

In conclusion all i can say is that i am really blessed. Even though there were times when i felt so lost and felt like really giving up all hopes yet i pulled through by the helped of God. And so i would like to give him back all the glory.

Thank you Jesus. Thank you to everyone who had make 2015 an awesome year for me. Thank you a thosand million times. I hope 2016 would be an even better year for everyone:DD

Forgive me if there are any errors in my spelling or vocabularies tehee. I'm half asleep while blogging this.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

what now?

if i had a choice i would want to work in a bookstore but no spp

spm finally over !
that means
high school life over!
that means
stress over !
that means freedom!

but to be honest 
idk what to do with this freedom

i'm not a type of person who plan things i just go with the flow. if the wind blows to the west i just follow; if to the south i follow; to the north or east i follow.
pretty dumb i know.

i did wrote down what i want to do but if it comes true than yay if not is just a dream.

i want to work to keep my mind occupied but no transport.
starting to learn driving but for some reason i'm not keen to learn.
idk what to do in the future i'm so lost.

as you grow older there's more responsibility to carry. when young time when people ask what you want to be is so easy just to answer something like i want to be a doctor or a teacher 
but now is so different 
what you answer actually determines your future 
so scary!!!

for the past two days i have been watching k-dramas. idk why but i'm a big fan when it comes to k-dramas. i tried watching taiwaness, japaness and hong kong dramas but is not as interesting as the korean ones. idk what so interesting also because all the k-dramas kinda look the same. you can predict what will happen in the next episode. to be honest i had been listening to k-pop songs from super junior to shinee to exo to beast to infinite to winner to 6 days to sistar to ailee to many others. 
currently i realize justin bieber songs are not so bad then before lol. haha 

happy holidays everyone!
byeeeeee :)

Sunday 2 August 2015

ocean deep

"spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
let me walk upon the waters
wherever you would call me
take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
and my faith will be made stronger....."

Friday 17 July 2015

live life

hello readers (if there is any haha) haven't been blogging for so long.... yeah busy life. three more months till spm is over. wohooo just the though of it makes me really excited.

firstly happy raya to all malays out there celebrating hari raya :D

recently just celebrated karen's birthday... yayyy!! it was really fun even though it was last minute plan. what i really love about my friends is whenever one of our birthday draws near we will always come up with a birthday plan. and im really grateful for that. actually come to think of it there's so many thing to be grateful in life. so take time to be thankful for that. well my blog today is about livig life to the fullest....

here's a illustration:
you see, when a wild animal eats its prey it will sometimes eat all the meat and even crunch the bones and drink the marrow out of them. now that's hungry (and kind of gross). sorry about that illustration haha.

people say "drink the marrow out of life." that means getting everything out of life that you can while you're alive. it doesn't mean to live rich or dangerously. it means to live each moment as if it really matters, because it does. take time to smell the flowers. lie down in a field of grass. climb a tree (still on bucket list). tell all the people how much they mean to you. do something really nice for someone, it won't hurt. make a decision to give up worrying. don't be satisfied to sit on the couch and watch other people on television living their life. be hungry enough for life to get out there and eat it up, down to the marrow.

i wrote this blog is because i had been watching travelling vlogs on the internet and i really wish that could be my life when i grow up. is a reminder to myself and maybe to you too haha.

that's all for now, byeeee :)

*sorry if there is any spelling or grammar errors*

Wednesday 25 February 2015

tHe PoEm

                                           hoo kar mun

too funny even though it does not make sense i just needed to blog this master piece. and yeah that was written by my brainy friend- hoo kah mun in like less then an hour during english society. sorry for the rude words tho haha. btw gong xi fa chai!!!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

January 2015 ☺

Is already February man!! Soooo fast.... here's some recap for last month

#hate letter pranked by my friends. Felt so stupid believing them literally knock my own head on the wall haha
#went to Alexandra's house. One of the great times spent with friends
#English society rocks man luv the juniors
#road run so fun first time got top 30 yayyy
#went to Amirah's sister wedding. Was the only Chinese but Yolo first time attend Malay wedding

January overall is a laughing month. Almost everyday there is something to laugh about even though homework is pilling up but still I really enjoyed school for now at least haha. Humour is one of the best part in a person. Studies show that humans are more attracted to people who have humour Hahaha I don't know how true but ya don't be so serious laugh and find things to do that make yourself happy!

Thursday 8 January 2015

more or less for 2015

Oh my gosh is already 2015 !!! Happyyyyy newwww year!!! A late wish I guess haha. New year so new resolution but new year resolution never works for me maybe one or two days then down the drain my new year resolution goes for every freaking year haha.

Last year my so call new year resolution maybe more of a moto for life was YOLO! I say yolo to everything to everyone except in church haha. I say yolo to my mum my friends my little brother sisters cousines my dad which he answered me saying "velli dangerouse Sam" I say it to myself every time when making a decision if yolo then why not haha but there is also a boundary I make. (Not that insane)

2015 still yolo but there are few things I learn to reduce or increase in life. So yeap here the list goes.

More                          Less
-Listening               -talking ( I talk a lot haha )
-doing                     -planning ( procrastinating )
-encouraging         -complaining
-hoping                   -worrying
-believing               -doubting
-studying                -lazing around
-smiling                  -frowning
-confident              -insecurity
-understanding     -ignorance
-love                        -hate
-gratitude               -ungratefulness
-truth                       -lies

Happy new year once again and hope 2015 will be an awesome year for everyone :DD and one more new year resolution freaking improve my spelling Hahaha