
Saturday 6 February 2016


Hey readers, so fast and tomorrow is Chinese new year. Is been a while since i last blog. Currently i am working in a cafe since the start of January and life was pretty busy. Here in this blog i will be sharing this incredible experience i had working in Yellow Brick Road :)

During the first week i felt like giving up, asking myself why did i choose to put myself in such a difficult and tiring environment. You see work is so much different from studying. Both to me is not an easy task. The difference is that you get paid working while studying you need to pay haha. Thinking back i would never imaging myself working in a cafe. First day i broke two glass cups and things got so confusing for me. Remembering table numbers, recognizing the foods and knowing their names etc. Never felt so stupid and clumsy haha. But eventually things got better. Making new friends and knowing the people there was a big part. Got to know someone who is a few years older than me and easily we just click and soon we became such crazy friends. I really like her. ( sry don't have her picture)

Crazy and fun friends

Yellow brick road is a non stop cafe is like you cannot rest because customers just keeps coming especially lunch hours. Sometimes i only get to eat lunch at 4 haha. Weekends and public holidays are even more crazy. After work i would just collapse to sleep on the way home. Never felt so tired in my life before.

Working in a cafe i learn to be thick skin. Everyday is not like rainbow or sunshine. There are days when is dark and stormy. I got scolded a few times because of my mistakes but there are times when i got scolded for others mistake. If i do wrong i surely will apologies but if i get blame for something i did not do then is not fair.(hope karma gets back to you) Overall working in Yellow brick road is such an experience and i don't think i can ever forget it. If you have time do drop by to eat. I promise you it will worth your money haha.

There's all for now. Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!