
Sunday 1 January 2017

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20 no 21 things 2016 taught me:

- Make a "to do list" and most probably you will stick to it.
- Silent is gold. Sometimes is better to shut up.
- Always help to speak for those who are wrongly accused.
- Eat more fiber to avoid constipation.
- Let go of people you know you should let go.
- Sing and just keep on singing even if it is lacking. It really helps to distress.
- Before wanting to scream, count 1 to 10 and most probably you will calm down.
- Give to the poor even if you do not have that much.
- Never study last minute. NEVER EVER.
- Ask clearly before starting any assignments.
- Shopping alone is not that back. It's kinda fun.
-Friends you least expect to get a bf first will turn out to be the first.
- Coffee tastes better without sugar.
- What people think about you is none of your business.
- If you really care about something do it with all your heart if not just give up. It is a waste of time.
- Do not judge till you know the full reason.
- There is no coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.
- Family before friends.
- Your squad is still the best.
- K-drama, bingsu, Korean fashion are all so addictive.
- Care less. You will be so much happier.
- Always say your prayers before sleeping despite how sleepy you are.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2017 be an awesome year for everyone :))