
Wednesday 22 October 2014

is just Life

bad things are always going to happen in life. people will always hurt you. but you should not use that as an excuse to hurt someone back.

Monday 20 October 2014

14 days

hello internet. 2 weeks of hell but the good thing is coming to an end. my mum had join a camp at PD for 14 days!!! first time ever in my life did my mum leave us on our own for this long. at first part of me was like wohooo freedom but then i was so wrong.........

the day before she go she wrote a long list of duties each of us must carry out except for my brother and mines was the longest of them all. here's my list:
-cook dinner and lunch
-clean up after cooking
-mop the floor
-hang the clothes
-wake up at 5 for my little bro to go to school (hateeeeee this job the most)
-prepare breakfast for everybody
-boil water
(look easy to do but in actual not at all haha)
my older sister can escape because of spm and so the next in line is me and i have no excuse to give.

so yeap even though is stressful no actually very stressful until pimples started to pop out but i had realize something my mum is a superwoman:

imaging just 2 weeks and is hell but my mum had been doing it for everyday and years. yeap my mum on her own rise up all of us. a real hero she is!

*is not my mum only is your mum too tehee* :D

Sunday 5 October 2014

The BEST Feelings in the World

hello internet! can't imaging is already october wohoo halloween time and deepavali. recently i have nothing to do so out of boredom i start blogging and also check out some weird videos on youtube and yeah i freaking love ryan higa's video simply because is so darn funny. um and i also bump into a video that shows the simple yet best pleasures in the world. sometimes the best feelings in life you don't need to buy not even a single $ you need.

here are some of the best feelings:

-lighting a match

-sleeping an extra hour

-slicing wrapping paper perfectly

-new socks

-popping your ears

-working hard then getting it right

-drawing a perfect circle with a compass

-discovering a new favorite song

-hot showers

-finishing a great book

-tearing perforated paper

-opening a fresh can


-licking the top of an envelope

-cracking knuckles

-putting your hands in beans

-dipping your fingers in wax

-popping bubble wrap (my grandma's hobby)

-having to pee really bad and then peeing (so true)

-rocking out to your favorite songs

-the cold side of the pillow

-warm clothes from the dryer

-laughing till it hurts

-peeling glue off your hands

-making a new friend

-bare feet in the grass

-putting chapstick on when your lips are super dry

-ridding when is windy

Last but not least:

-when you feel free

guess that's all for now. pardon me if i have spelling errors haha. byeeeeeeee

Thursday 2 October 2014


HEY internet. Here is me again tehee. I kinda miss blogging a lot or maybe just a little. The truth is i have been reading a lot of blogs recently. You have the sad one, depress one, happy one, wild one, mean one, the advice one, the hipster one, the weird one and the really weird one where you just dont get what are they trying to say.  But i guess all of them are just the inner thoughts that run through people's head. So yeap i blog because im board and also for memories. Maybe when i become an ah ma or an ah po one day this blog post is going to be a real help to me.

That is all for now. Bye.

Oh ya one more thing i like to give movie suggestions and for now the most epic movie is ''stupid crazy love" is soooooo good thanks to shyne-ni who suggested this movie. And if you are a fan of ryan gosling then all the more go and watch it.