
Monday 26 September 2016


Image result for smile tumblr
do you know that a fake smile can hide a million tears?
if you are force to do it is better you don't smile at all
you can lie to people by smiling
but you can never lie to yourself
they say just a smile you can make a friend
just a smile you can make somebody's day
but.... i start to wonder what's behind people's smile

she fakes a smile and says she is okay
but in reality she barely make it through the day
and she continues to do it
even though she is hurting badly
because to her faking a smile is much easier
then to explain herself

i really feel for her that is why i wrote this blog
till then
bye :)

Friday 15 July 2016

look passed

" You want to know what living life to the fullest also is? It's waking up on a Monday morning with no complaints even though you know you have a hard week approaching. It's knowing you deserve to smile and laugh. It's doing what you want to, no matter how stupid you think you may look. It's about being yourself, cause no one can tell you you're doing it wrong. Living life to the fullest isn't always buying a plane ticket and travelling, sometimes it's the small things we easily look passed. "

Friday 20 May 2016

no title

life is always full of wonders and surprises,
things you least expect happens. 

university life is very different from high school life.
friends are different
teachers are different
environment is not the same anymore 
everything feels so grown up
I'm enjoying it 
i guess
or maybe
I'm not 
I don't know

to everyone who reads this blog:
pick a quote for your day (is a must )

-no act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted
-you were born an original, don't become a copy
-your life is your story, go write it
-the true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life 
-the things that make me special are the things that make me ME
*i hope these quotes make your day*

this blog is kinda cheesy and i am sorry for that haha
till then 
byeee :)))

Monday 21 March 2016

a new chapter

Hello readers :)
Is been awhile since i last blog (i always start my blog this way because i suck at starting it haha).
I officially finish working on 17th of March on a Thursday at Yellow Brick Road cafe. To be honest i never regret working there because it taught me so much even beyond my ability to manage things and multitasking. People say multitasking is bad because you cannot focus on so many things at once but in some situation you have no choice.
A short letter to ybr:
Thank you for giving me such a great experience.
Thank you for accepting my bad attitudes sometimes especially during busy hours and things go wrong.
Thank you for bearing all my mistakes big and small alike.
Thank you for teaching me to always smile even when you are in a bad mood.
Thank you for teaching me patients especially when face with difficult customers ( in my heart i really want to punch them real hard)
Thank you for giving me free food and free coffee :))
Thank you for EVERYTHING for this two and a half months at ybr.

                                 Sorry but i don't think so haha

I really enjoyed working with each and everyone of ybr's member. Will miss all of you :(

I am starting college tomorrow. Really really nervous!! Hope everything goes well.
Staying in the university hostel is not so bad after all. Is a apartment with 4 rooms and each room has 2 members. So do the maths all together 8 people staying under one roof. Besides, Sunway Pyramid is only a walking distance away and everyday i can watch people have fun at Sunway Lagoon haha. ( so much memories flashes back man )

That's all for now. All the best to all my friends out there who are like me starting college soon. You can have new friends but don't you dare forget me bleh :p

Saturday 6 February 2016


Hey readers, so fast and tomorrow is Chinese new year. Is been a while since i last blog. Currently i am working in a cafe since the start of January and life was pretty busy. Here in this blog i will be sharing this incredible experience i had working in Yellow Brick Road :)

During the first week i felt like giving up, asking myself why did i choose to put myself in such a difficult and tiring environment. You see work is so much different from studying. Both to me is not an easy task. The difference is that you get paid working while studying you need to pay haha. Thinking back i would never imaging myself working in a cafe. First day i broke two glass cups and things got so confusing for me. Remembering table numbers, recognizing the foods and knowing their names etc. Never felt so stupid and clumsy haha. But eventually things got better. Making new friends and knowing the people there was a big part. Got to know someone who is a few years older than me and easily we just click and soon we became such crazy friends. I really like her. ( sry don't have her picture)

Crazy and fun friends

Yellow brick road is a non stop cafe is like you cannot rest because customers just keeps coming especially lunch hours. Sometimes i only get to eat lunch at 4 haha. Weekends and public holidays are even more crazy. After work i would just collapse to sleep on the way home. Never felt so tired in my life before.

Working in a cafe i learn to be thick skin. Everyday is not like rainbow or sunshine. There are days when is dark and stormy. I got scolded a few times because of my mistakes but there are times when i got scolded for others mistake. If i do wrong i surely will apologies but if i get blame for something i did not do then is not fair.(hope karma gets back to you) Overall working in Yellow brick road is such an experience and i don't think i can ever forget it. If you have time do drop by to eat. I promise you it will worth your money haha.

There's all for now. Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!